OromoWear Celebrates Black History - Gebisa Ejeta
Black History Month is a time to reflect and celebrate the achievements and stories of trailblazers that look like us. As a diaspora, we are often not exposed to the contributions that Oromo people have made specifically to Black History. We wanted to highlight a few that you may or may have not heard or known about. It is a great source of inspiration and motivation for people like ourselves to understand that those before us endured tremendous battles but were able to accomplish such feats through preservice.
Gebisa Ejeta
We are highlighting the exceptional professor and scientist that is Gebisa Ejeta
Gebisa Ejeta’s pioneering research on the sorghum grain was able to tackle a world food security problem.
Dr. Gebisa Ejeta is recognized for developing a hybrid variety of the principal grain, sorghum.
His hybrid variety of the grain was drought-tolerant, pest-resistant, and high yielding,
When released in, where it out-performed traditional sorghum varieties by up to 100%.
And with his remarkable intellect and compassion, he has helped feed tens of millions of people in sub saharan Africa.
His work on sorghum has also led him to earn the highest honors in the field of food and agriculture, The World Food Prize award in 2009.
Later on, he was appointed by then President Barak Obama, to the Board for International Food and Agricultural Development.
Dr. Ejeta’s life story and accomplishments illustrates that anything is possible
His work will hopefully lead as an example to future people that look at him to engage in the space of science and discovery while serving humanity.